Travel Info

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

The following are the general travel information for travelling to Sabah (Borneo).

Traveling to Sandakan, Sabah (Borneo), Malaysia

What is the local time in Malaysia?

Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), +8 GMT.

How's the weather like in Sabah (Borneo)?
How to travel to Sandakan, Sabah (Borneo)?
What do I need to bring?
Is Sukau Backpackers B&B only provides accomdation services?
What clothings is suitable in Sandakan, Sabah (Borneo)?

Clothings made of cotton are suitable because the climate in Malaysia is generally hot and humid. Loose and thin clothings are more suitable.

What's the currency in Malaysia?
What's the general payment method?
Can I popin Sukau Backpackers (Sukau, Kinabatangan)?
Is there any tour that I can join in Sukau Backpackers B&B?

Need help?

Give us a call

Office No.: +6089 223 582

Mobile Contact: +6011-2527 6878 (Available on Sunday)

Contact via Email


Sukau Backpackers B&B & Rose GuestHouse
are solely owned by:
Sandakan Mainland Tours & Travel

(913270-U) KLP/LN6351

3 Avenue, Block 20, 1st floor.
(Same block with Alliance Bank). (View Map)

Location in Sukau:
Jalan Kampung Sukau, 90200 Kinabatangan, Sabah. (View Map)

Contact Info

Email (Primary):email1Email (Alternate): email3
Contact No.: +6089 223 582
Mobile Contact 1
: +6011 2527 6878
Mobile Contact 2: +60115 1222 091
Skype ID: sukaubackpackers

Our Services

Sukau Backpackers B&B provides backpackers accommodation services in Sukau near Kinabatangan river.
Similarly to Rose GuestHouse and it is located in downtown Sandakan.
We can also arrange variety of tour packages that travel through Kinabatangan River, Gomantong Cave and many other tourist attraction.